Standard 9 Leadership and Collaboration
© William Eggington 2019

The teacher is a leader who engages collaboratively

with learners, families, colleagues, and community

members to build a shared vision and supportive

professional culture focused on student growth and


Rationale 1:

Collaboration on Lesson Planning

While student teaching at Quail Hollow Elementary in Canyons School District, I collaborated with my mentor teacher on the design of several learning activities. On one occasion, Mr. Heinz and I came up with a unique way of teaching the principles of compare and contrast by designing an activity that challenged students to imagine creating a new breed of pumpkin based on three pumpkins Mr. Heinz had brought into the classroom. Mr. Heinz and I both felt the lesson was very effective at teaching the content while being highly engaging. By building on a shared vision of where the students needed to be, we were able to provide the students with a successful learning experience which ensured their academic growth. These types of collaborative experiences taught me the power in working with others to achieve a positive result. I plan to continue searching for more of these collaborative opportunities in my future teaching career.

Rationale 2:

5th Grade Team Collaboration

The 5th grade team I worked with at Quail Hollow Elementary was very collaborative. They met daily to discuss student needs, behavior issues, curriculum alignment, upcoming class rotations etc. I learned a lot participating in these team meetings. I was often invited by the other 5th grade teachers to teach their students a few times. I was also frequently invited to assist them with small group teaching of difficult math concepts. The principal of the school noticed my ability to collaborate well. In his letter of recommendation, he wrote the following - “Will also participated in the 5th grade team’s professional learning communities. He was attentive, shared ideas and was confident as he participated with the team. Will was comfortable to be there and contribute to the overall meeting.” I was excited when our team decided to dress as a theme during Halloween because this projected to the students that we were a strong, united team with a focus on their growth and success. The theme we chose was the Wizard of Oz. Mr. Heinz dressed as the Tin Man and I dressed as the Scarecrow. It was a fun way to physically demonstrate our collaborative relationship.

“Will also participated in the 5th

grade team’s professional learning

communities. He was attentive,

shared ideas and was confident as he

participated with the team. Will was

comfortable to be there and

contribute to the overall meeting.” -

Quail Hollow Principal

© William Eggington 2018

The teacher is a leader

who engages

collaboratively with

learners, families,

colleagues, and

community members to

build a shared vision and

supportive professional

culture focused on

student growth and


Multi-Tiered Systems of

Supports (MTSS)

Utah’s MTSS is designed to support educators in developing evidence-based practices that support students learning. This website is a great resource for Local Education Agencies to understand the support offered by the Utah State Board of Education to provide high quality, equitable education to all students.



The Response-to-Intervention model uses a teared instruction model. This allows for students needs are met based on the nature and severity of a student’s difficulties. Tier 1 ensures that all students receive a high-quality education. Tier 2 targets students who are not making adequate progress in the core curriculum. Tier 3 involves an intensive intervention that targets the students’ skill deficits until the problem is remedied and to prevent future problems.

Utah Parent Center

The Utah Parent Center is a nonprofit organization formed by parents of children with all disabilities to help them connect with the services and agencies that might best help and support each other. Their staff is comprised of parents with disabilities of all ages who understand the unique challenges parents of children with disabilities have in navigating the systems of support. They hold regular workshops, provide online training, hold an annual conference attended by hundreds of parents and professionals. They are there to support and coach parents through the raising of their child with special needs to bring out their full potential.