Standard 7 Instructional Strategies

Rationale 2:

Hands On Experiential Learning

During science instruction, students are usually given multiple opportunities to learn and understand the concepts being taught through hands on experiences. During once such lesson about static electricity, students were given a demonstration about different materials that are conductors or insulators. Then students were asked to propose different objects in the room, hypothesize about the materials conductive properties and then feel for themselves if the electricity had been able to pass through the material or not. This method of instruction was highly engaging and allowed the students to see, hear and feel electricity in highly effective way. Using this approach allowed them to extend their knowledge in meaningful ways. I plan to continue using a variety of instructional strategies when in my own classroom.

Rationale 1:

Technology Used in a Meaningful Way

During math instruction I noticed that during the explanation of complicated concepts, student engagement and behavior would decline. As a way around this problem I pre-recorded the instruction section of my math lessons and would play these videos to the class at the beginning of each lesson. This ensured that my lessons were accurate while also freeing myself up to scan the room for student engagement and understanding. This method also had the added benefit of allowing students to refer back to these videos while at home or during their independent work in the classroom to extend their knowledge outside of the classroom in a meaningful way. Some students would even watch the next days lesson the night before class in order to be better prepared. I also would record myself doing several of their homework problems for them so that while they were at home doing their assigned problems, they could refer to the video of me completing example problems to help build skills in their own time. This instructional strategy allowed my students to develop a deeper understanding of math and make connections that increased their confidence.
© William Eggington 2019

The teacher uses various instructional strategies to

ensure that all learners develop a deep understanding

of content areas and their connections and build skills

to apply and extend knowledge in meaningful ways.

© William Eggington 2018

The teacher uses various

instructional strategies to

ensure that all learners

develop a deep

understanding of content

areas and their

connections and build

skills to apply and extend

knowledge in meaningful


Multi-Tiered Systems of

Supports (MTSS)

Utah’s MTSS is designed to support educators in developing evidence-based practices that support students learning. This website is a great resource for Local Education Agencies to understand the support offered by the Utah State Board of Education to provide high quality, equitable education to all students.



The Response-to-Intervention model uses a teared instruction model. This allows for students needs are met based on the nature and severity of a student’s difficulties. Tier 1 ensures that all students receive a high-quality education. Tier 2 targets students who are not making adequate progress in the core curriculum. Tier 3 involves an intensive intervention that targets the students’ skill deficits until the problem is remedied and to prevent future problems.

Utah Parent Center

The Utah Parent Center is a nonprofit organization formed by parents of children with all disabilities to help them connect with the services and agencies that might best help and support each other. Their staff is comprised of parents with disabilities of all ages who understand the unique challenges parents of children with disabilities have in navigating the systems of support. They hold regular workshops, provide online training, hold an annual conference attended by hundreds of parents and professionals. They are there to support and coach parents through the raising of their child with special needs to bring out their full potential.