© William Eggington 2019

Davidson Institute: Support for Gifted Programs

This website categorizes each State by their mandate to support Gifted and Talented programs in their education system as well as how well those programs are funded by their respective States. Funding for Gifted and Talented programs is NOT mandated in the State of Utah but there are some programs that do receive state funding. There are no official state guidelines for identifying Gifted and Talented students and no policies in place as to how school districts should serve this student population. A few options for parents who’s children are identified as being Gifted and Talented are early enrollment into College and Homeschooling.


Categories of Disability

Children with specific disabilities are qualified to receive services through public education as outlined in IDEA legislation. This pdf document does a good job of defining each of the 13 specific disabilities are and what services these disabilities qualify students for.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

Utah’s MTSS is designed to support educators in developing evidence-based practices that support students learning. This website is a great resource for Local Education Agencies to understand the support offered by the Utah State Board of Education to provide high quality, equitable education to all students.

Teared Instruction/Intervention

The Response-to-Intervention model uses a teared instruction model. This allows for students needs are met based on the nature and severity of a student’s difficulties. Tier 1 ensures that all students receive a high-quality education. Tier 2 targets students who are not making adequate progress in the core curriculum. Tier 3 involves an intensive intervention that targets the students’ skill deficits until the problem is remedied and to prevent future problems.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Utah Parent Center

The Utah Parent Center is a nonprofit organization formed by parents of children with all disabilities to help them connect with the services and agencies that might best help and support each other. Their staff is comprised of parents with disabilities of all ages who understand the unique challenges parents of children with disabilities have in navigating the systems of support. They hold regular workshops, provide online training, hold an annual conference attended by hundreds of parents and professionals. They are there to support and coach parents through the raising of their child with special needs to bring out their full potential.

Explicit Instruction

Explicit instruction is a systematic, direct engaging and success oriented method of instruction that provides students of all abilities opportunities to practice and master new skills and material. Their website provides many video examples of how this instruction works and should be a great resource for educators of students at any age.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

The PIDS website describes a system that teaches behavioral expectations in the same way that any of the core subjects are taught. It is implemented at a school district level by skilled trainers. The system focus’ on behavioral expectations that are positively stated and easy to remember. Instead of telling students what not to do, the school focus’ on preferred behavors like being respectful to yourself and others, being safe and responsible and how to have good relationships with others.

Autism Council of Utah

The Autism Council of Utah (ACU) is an independent council working to foster collaboration, communication and learning among families and agencies . Their aim is to promote access to resources and information for those who are affected by autism. Their website lists conferences, events, information about transitioning children with autism into adulthood and lists many ways for parents and educators to get involved in supporting the care, training and advocacy of autism related causes in Utah.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Utah Center for Assistive Technology

The Utah Center for Assistive Technology is a resource that provides information and technology services for people with disabilities who may require custom built assistive technology. Their services are available to a range of caregivers, counselors, specialists, therapists, professionals and anyone who might need to assist someone with a disability.

Special Education Resources for General


This website is the home page of SERGE. The Special Education Resources for General Educators. Within this site are a lot of Resources and suggestions about how educators can best best meet the needs of special needs students attending their general education classrooms. It contains factual information about State and Local policies, how to best succeed in preparing your curriculum and what methods are best used to help all students learn.

Traumatic Brain Injury

The website is full of resources to help understand what Traumatic Brain Injury is, how it can effect those who have experienced this injury and how it can be treated. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms that greatly impart the person who has experienced this injury as well as their caregivers. This website is a great resource to help find the latest treatments and rehabilitation methods for this injury.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions

This document was created by the State of Utah Office of Education to provide educators with the information they will need to understand the recommended methods and procedures for managing classroom behavior in Utah Classrooms. It goes into the official policies, student and instructor rights and the best recommended best practices for educators dealing with behavioral management issues in their schools.
© William Eggington 2018


Categories of Disability

Children with specific disabilities are qualified to receive services through public education as outlined in IDEA legislation. This pdf document does a good job of defining each of the 13 specific disabilities are and what services these disabilities qualify students for.

Multi-Tiered Systems of

Supports (MTSS)

Utah’s MTSS is designed to support educators in developing evidence-based practices that support students learning. This website is a great resource for Local Education Agencies to understand the support offered by the Utah State Board of Education to provide high quality, equitable education to all students.



The Response-to-Intervention model uses a teared instruction model. This allows for students needs are met based on the nature and severity of a student’s difficulties. Tier 1 ensures that all students receive a high-quality education. Tier 2 targets students who are not making adequate progress in the core curriculum. Tier 3 involves an intensive intervention that targets the students’ skill deficits until the problem is remedied and to prevent future problems.

Utah Parent Center

The Utah Parent Center is a nonprofit organization formed by parents of children with all disabilities to help them connect with the services and agencies that might best help and support each other. Their staff is comprised of parents with disabilities of all ages who understand the unique challenges parents of children with disabilities have in navigating the systems of support. They hold regular workshops, provide online training, hold an annual conference attended by hundreds of parents and professionals. They are there to support and coach parents through the raising of their child with special needs to bring out their full potential.